• Academic Administration and Services Department (AASD)
  • pengarah_aasd@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967 3282


1. I am a Bachelor's Degree/ Master's Degree/ Doctoral Degree student who would like to apply for a scholarship/ loan/ financial assistance from the concerned parties. Where can I get my student sponsorship confirmation letter if I do not receive any scholarship sponsorship or loan periodically for this semester?

Students need to email an application for a sponsorship confirmation letter to the Student Services Division via the email address bptajaan_aasd@um.edu.my stating the full address of the scholarship/loan/financial aid applied for, the student's phone number and attach a copy of the offer letter to the university/copy of the matric card and a copy of the scholarship/loan/financial assistance application form applied for.

2. I am a Bachelor's Degree/ Master's Degree/ Doctoral Degree student who would like to apply for a scholarship/ loan/ financial assistance from the concerned parties. Where can I get a confirmation letter of my student studies?

The Student Services Division does not issue a student study confirmation letter. Active student applications need to contact the faculty for that purpose. However, the Examinations & Graduation Division (BPP, Academic Administration and Services Department) only issues confirmation letters for students with Graduate status (GR) that have been approved by the Universiti Malaya Senate.

3. I got a scholarship sponsorship offer. Do I still have to make the tuition fee payment?

Students who have/officially received full sponsorship, for which the sponsorship payment is to the university, must forward a copy of the sponsorship letter to the Bursar Department via email to bursar_student@um.edu.my . Failure or delay in submitting the sponsorship letter to the Bursar Department will cause a delay in the claim process for the sponsor. The university will not be responsible for any problems that arise later. Students who receive sponsorship/scholarships directly from sponsors (payment not to the university) are considered non-sponsored students and must clear all fees prior to new student registration.

4. Does Universiti Malaya have information on external scholarships/sponsorships for Bachelor's/Master's/PhD students?

Please refer to the Academic Administration and Services Department (AASD) website periodically to get the latest information and update on sponsorship details:

  1. Undergraduate
  2. Masters Degree/ Doctoral Degree

5. How do I apply for a National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) education loan?

Students can apply for National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) education loans online at website PTPTN and Register  

6. May I know the date and place of submission of the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan offer and agreement documents that have just been approved?

The documents can be sent to the nearest National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) branch office or National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) HQ to the following address:

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN)
Tingkat Bawah, Menara PTPTN,
Blok D, Megan Avenue II,
No.12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
(u.p: En. Ahmad Shahril@Muhammad Shahril bin Ghazali)

7. When will National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan payments be paid?

Please refer to the website National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) 

8. Does Universiti Malaya offer scholarships to Master's Degree/ Doctoral Degree students? If yes, how to apply for the scholarship and what are the terms and conditions?

(a) Universiti Malaya does not offer any scholarships to Master's Degree/ Doctoral Degree students. However, Universiti Malaya provides financial aid (Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS) to Graduate Research Assistants. For Graduate Research Assistants, candidates need to contact the relevant supervisor and meet the requirements set by the supervisor. The scheme is open to local and international candidates who are registered (in active status) for Masters (research mode) or Doctorate programmes. Successful applicants will receive a living allowance and fee waiver of up to 100% (for selected fees).

(b) Please click  this link for scholarship information from external sponsors.

9. What are the Application Criteria for The Universiti Malaya Excellence PhD Scholarship (UMES)?

Please refer to website UM Research for more details.

10. What is the Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS Application Criteria?

Please refer to Universiti Malaya Student Financial Aid for more details.

11. What are the application criteria for the fee reduction scheme for postgraduate candidate with handicapped and senior citizen?

Please refer to this link for more details.

12. Am I required to apply for Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS every semester?

Yes. Applications are open every semester (Semester I and II).

13. If I have received Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS can I receive other scholarships/loans?

Not permitted. Students have to make a choice about whether to reject or accept other scholarship/loan offers. If students accept another scholarship/loan offer, Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS must be cancelled.

14. How do I cancel Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS?

Students will need to email the Universiti Malaya Financial Aid-GRAS cancellation application to the Student Services Division to bptajaan_aasd@um.edu.my for further action by the Student Services Division.

15. How long will I receive the tuition fee waiver?

The Bursary will refund the tuition fee waiver within 14 working days.

16. Is the Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) a scholarship given to Malaysian citizens to study abroad?

No. The Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) program is a scholarship offered to international students to continue their studies at a Public University (UA) in Malaysia based on certain conditions. This Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) scholarship is given on a reciprocal basis to certain foreign countries that also offer scholarships to Malaysian citizens to continue their studies in their host countries. Every year, the Ministry of Education and Culture only offers a certain number of places to international students who wish to continue their studies at Universiti Awam and advertisements are made through the embassies of the countries that have been selected in advance.

17. I have received an offer to study at a foreign university. Does Ministry of Education (MoE) provide scholarships for me to study abroad?

Ministry of Education (MoE) only provides MyBrainSc Scholarships for intelligent Malaysian students in the field of Pure Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics only) for study abroad (Ivy League University). Ministry of Education (MoE) does not provide scholarship opportunities or any form of funding for the public for other programs for study abroad.

18. What is the Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS)? Is this scholarship offered to Malaysian citizens who wish to continue their studies abroad?

The Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) Scholarship is a special program under the Ministry of Education (MoE) that is offered only to international students who wish to continue their studies at a public university (UA) in Malaysia. Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) Scholarships are not offered to local students who wish to continue their studies abroad.

Last Update: 11/07/2023